In the News

Digital4Good ChangeMaker Award

Our Co-Founder, Sharada Suresh, has been honored with the Digital4Good ChangeMaker award for her efforts to make computer science accessible to all

The 74's  16 Under 16 In STEM 

Scratch Foundation Educator Spotlight

New Jersey Governer's Founders/Innovators Award 

Our Co-Founder, Harita Suresh, has been honored with the New Jersey State Governer's Founders/Innovators Volunteerism award for her Computer Science for all initiative! 

DevPost Featured Project - Champions of Pride

Our app, Champions of Pride, that tells the stories of powerful LGBTQ+ champions, is a staff picked featured project on DevPost.

Code.Org Featured Story Featured Story

PBS 13 Featured Story - Chasing the Dreams

MGM Girls Build Solutions Conference Speaker

Our Co-Founder Sharada Suresh, the New Jersey delegate of the Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew 2023, shared her journey and efforts to bridge the gender gap in STEM!

NJSACC - Full STEAM Ahead Conference Speaker

At the NJSACC's Full STEAM Ahead conference, our CoFounder and Million Girls Moonshot alumnus, Sharada Suresh, presented the importance of STEM in today's world, and how students can learn computer science from anywhere. 

Major League Hacking (MLH) Top 50